8: Polymorphism,Variables,class,final ,Access Specifiers

final  keyword:-
“ final “ is a keyword in java which can be used  to declare

1.   class(final class)
2.   variables(constants)
3.   Methods or functions(final methods)
4.   Parameter inside a method(methodname(final param))
5.   Local variable (final local variable)
If we use final to declare a class this keyword destroys the concept of inheritance.
final class A  {
//final destroys the concept of inheritance A cannot extended by any other class.
Output:   Comilation Error
class B extends A   {   }    
class B    {   }
final class A extends B   {    }
class  Final   {
final int X = 99;           // final Variables should be initialized. // instance(non-static) constant.
                                    //CONSTANTS will be declared in Caps .
 static final int Y = 100;                       // static constant.

public static void main(String args[])   {
Final fin=new Final();
}    }

final parameters:-
we declare a parameter as final that parameter can acts a constant inside a method.
We can not change the value of final parameter inside the method
We can only access the arguments which are passed while calling the method.
Same as above pgrm
class XXX{
int method1 ( final int a, final int b, final int c )   {
int sum=a+b+c;
return sum;     }
public static void main(String args[])   {
Int tot=fin.method1(3,4,5);
s.o.pln(tot);            }
Local variables as final:-
We cannot the change the value of local variable when we declare it as final.

class  Final   {
final int X = 99;      // final Variables   //should be intialized // instance(non-static) constant. 
static final int Y = 100;                                   // static constant.
int  method1( final int a, final int b, final int c )   {        //a = a+100; // compilation error
int sum = a+b+c ;
return sum ;          }
void  method2()   {
final int VAR = 212 ;            // local variable// local constant
          VAR = VAR - 2 ;    }        // compilation error.Because VAR is final we cannot change itpublic static void main(String args[])  {
Final fin = new Final();
fin.method2();      }   }
final methods:-
final methods can not be overridden.
It means if there is a method which is declared as amethod in one class we cannot change the implementation in its subclass by overridden.
class super  {
final int calculate (int a, int b)  {
return 0;                //we cannot overridden    }     }
class sub extends super   {
int calculate(int a,int b)   {
return 0;                                //comp error      }   }
Program:-Object polymorphism
class A   {
int calculate(int a,int b)   {
return a+b;      }   }
class B extends A   {
int sum(int a,int b,int c)   {
return a+b+c;     }
int calculate(int a,int b)   {
return a+b+100;       }     }
public class ObjectPolymorphism extends B   {
int calculate(int a,int b)   {
return a+b+300;    }
int substract(int a,int b)   {
return a-b;    }
public static void main(String[] args)  {
B b=new B();
ObjectPolymorphism op=new ObjectPolymorphism();
A a=new ObjectPolymorphism();            //super ref to sub class object
int tot=a.calculate(2,3);
System.out.println(tot);               //sub most class method
A a1=new B();
int res =a1.calculate(100,98);
System.out.println(res);                  //subclass method
A a2=new A();
int resp=a2.calculate(400,500);
System.out.println(resp);      }   }               // a class method

Concept of exhibiting different behaviours in different situations by a method is known as polymorphism.
There are 2 types of polymorphism.
1.Method or static polymorphism
2.Object or dynamic polymorphism
Object or dynamic polymorphism:-
Same method will give different result based on the object acting upon it.(object polymorphism)
In this case which method has to be executed will be decided by the jvm during runtime(dynamic)
The above example completely deals with object polymorphism.
We can achieve dynamic polymorphism by using method overriddenig.
Method or static polymorphism:-
static polymorphism:-
which method has to be executed will be decided by the compiler during the compilation is known as static polymorphism.
Here the same method will give different result based on the arguments that we are passing so this is known as method polymorphism.
We can achieve the method polymorphism using method overloading.

Note :
compiler it self will decide which method has to be executed first is known as “StaticPolymarphism”
singnatures are different method is same
(method overloading)(method overwriting)

class  StaticPoly   {
int sum( int a, int b,int c)    {
return a+b+c ;     }
int sum( int a, int b)   {
return a+b;    }
float sum(int a, float b)   {
return a+b;   }
public static void main(String args[])   {
StaticPoly sp = new StaticPoly();
int res1 = sp.sum(3,4,5);
int res2 = sp.sum(3,4);
float res3 = sp.sum(3,4.5f);
System.out.println(res3);       }    }
Method overloading or method overwriting:-
          Concept of defining a method with same name and with different signatures is known as method overloading.
Object typecasting:-
class   A   {
int calluculate1(int a, int b)   {
return a+b;         }   }

/*       int sum = a1.sum(1,2,3);
          // compilation error because
          // sum method will not be accessible to a1     Object.
          // without typecasting.

class B extends A   {
int sum(int a, int b, int c)   {
 return a+b+c ;     }
int calluculate2(int a, int b)   {
return a+b+100;     }   }
class C extends B   {
int calluculate3(int a,int b)   {
return a+b+300 ;     }
int subtract(int y, int z)    {
return y-z ;      }
public static void main(String args[])   {
Object o = new A();        
o.calluculate1(2,3);     //compilation error.Because calluculate1()is not in Object class
A a3 = (A)o;
A a1 = new B();
int cal1 = a1.calluculate1(4,3);
B b = (B)a1;
int sum = b.sum(1,2,3);
System.out.println(sum);   }   }

Access Specifiers in java:-
They are some keywords used to represent accessibility criteria of variables,classes and methods.
They are 4 types of access specifiers are there.
1.   public
2.   private
3.   protected
4.   default
There is no keyword called “default”.
Access specifier is a keyword which is used to specify accessibility criteria of classes, variables, methods.
A.java is inside pack1;
public class A {
private  int x;
int y;
protected int z;
private void method1()   {
System.out.println("private method");      }    }
B.java is also inside of pack1;
public class B extends A   {

int a;
private int b;
int c;
public void methodB()   {
System.out.println("method B");    }
public static void main(String[] args)   {
B b1 = new B();
//b1.x=b1.x+100;                  //x is private variable of A
b1.z = b1.z+100;
//b1.method1();                     //private method of A
b1.y = b1.y+60;
System.out.println(b1.y);             }    }
C.java is in another package pack2;
package pack2;

import pack1.A;
public class C extends A  {
int l;
private int m;
public static void main(String[] args)   {
A a=new A();
//a.y=a.y+100;        y is default variable of A
//a.z=a.z+70;           z is protected variable of A
C c=new C();
c.z=c.z+109;         System.out.println(c.z);     }   }
Explanation for access specifiers:-
public à universally access
private  à access  is limitted to the class
default à it acts as public inside the package
private in other packages or outside the package.
Package level access.
protected à protected is as similar as default but there is one difference.
                     protected  can be accessed  inside the sub classes of the class in other packages also.

A  class
B sub class in the same package
C  subclass in other package
Non sub class in
Other package

They are 3 kinds of structers in java.
1.   Fully implemented structure.                (Class)
2.   Partially implemented structure.       (Abstract class)
3.   Unimplemented structure.                   (Interface)
Abstract class:-
Ø “abstract” is a keyword which destroys the concept of “instantiation”.
Ø “instantiation” means we cannot create object of abstract class.

abstract class  Abstract   {    }
class Sub extends  Abstarct   {
public static void main(String args[])    {
Abstract ab = new Abstract();      // gives compilation error.we cannot create object of   
    }   }                                         abstract class//'abstract' destroys the concept of
Abstract methods:-
abstract class  Person  {
void walk()   {
System.out.println("person can walk");    }
abstract void gender();     }       // no body for abstract method
class MalePerson extends Person   {
void gender()   {
System.out.println("male person");       }   }
class FemalePerson extends Person  {
void gender()   {
System.out.println("female person");     }    }
class Demo  {
public static void main(String args[])   {
//  Person p = new Person();                 // compilation error
MalePerson mp = new MalePerson();
FemalePerson fp = new FemalePerson();
fp.gender();           }   }

Ø we can use “abstract” keyword to declare methods which are known as “abstract methods”.
Ø Abstract methods are the methods which will have no implementation.
Ø But,abstract methods can be overridden.that means we can provide implementation in subclasses.
Ø If there is atleast one method as abstract method then we have to declare that class as abstract class.
Ø We can have abstract class without any abstract method.
Ø Program:-
abstract class Ab1   {
public abstract void method1();
abstract void method2();
abstract void method3();     }
abstract class Ab1 extends Ab2  {
public void method1()   {    //stmts  }
public void method2()   {   //stmts    }
abstract void method3();    }
Class Ab3 extends Ab2  {
public void method3()   {    //stmts
 } }  

Ø If we have abstract class with 3 abstract methods in its subclass ,if we want to provide implementation for 2 methods only, we have to provide that,but we have to provide re declaration of abstract methods in Ab2.
Ø Since we have declare a method as abstract method in a class then declare that class as abstract class.
Ø Because  Ab2 is an abstract class again we cannot create an object out of it.so.we can extends this class provides implementation to abstract methods in subclass Ab3;
Ø Now we can create out of Ab3 only.
Important program:-
abstract class Ab1   {
public abstract void method1();
abstract void method2();
abstract void method3();
//we can use the reference variable of any .class file. but we can create objects only to the classes(fully implemented classes)
//we can't create objects of Abstract classes
// but we can use the reference variables of abstract
// classes to refer the sub class objects.
// overriden method only will be
//     available to the object
abstract void method4();       }
abstract class Ab2 extends Ab1   {
public void method1()   {
System.out.println("method1()");        }
public void method2()   {
System.out.println("method2()");          }
abstract void method3();
abstract void method4();     }
class Ab3 extends Ab2   {
public void method1()   {
System.out.println("change method1()");        }
public void method3()   {
output :-
change method1()   
System.out.println("method3()");          }
public void method4()   {
System.out.println("method4()");     }
public static void main(String[] args)    {
Ab3 ab3 = new Ab3();
Ab1 ab1 = new Ab3();                //(Ab1 is Abstract class )
Ab2 ab2 = new Ab3();
}   }
We cannot create objects of abstract classes but we can use references variable of abstract class to refer the sub class object.
The above program is referring that scenario.
(2) Interface    (un-implemented structures):-
“interface “ is a keyword to define un-implemented structures.
Interface is a specification of method declarations (or) contact specification to the class.
class :- define behaviour of  a memory .


interface   CustomerInterface    {
boolean saveCustomer();     // public and abstract by //default
void updateCustomer();
void delecteCustomer();
class CustomerImpl  implements  CustomerInterface    {
//  we have to provide the implementation to  all the methods.  when we implement the interface
public boolean saveCustomer()  {
//  in the sub structures we have to use  stronger access specifiers than in super //Structures.
boolean saved = false ;

saved customer
Delete customer

System.out.println("cusotmer is saved");
saved = true ;
return saved ;     }
public void updateCustomer()    {
System.out.println(" Update cusotmer ");       }
public void delecteCustomer()    {
System.out.println(" delete cusotmer ");        }
public static void main(String args[])   {
CustomerInterface custInter = new CustomerImpl();
//     interface reference variable is used to //refer its implementation class object
boolean saved = custInter.saveCustomer();
}    }

Interface reference variable is used to refer its implementation class object.
Differences b/w class, interface and abstract class:-
Class:-       we can always create an object to the class only.
Interface:-  we can’t create object to the interface, but we can use its reference variables to refer its implementation class object.
Abstract class:-   we can’t create  object to abstract class, but we can use its reference variable to refer its subclass object.
interface Ione   {
void method1();
void method2();
void method3();
This is method 1
This is method 2
This is method 3
This is method 3

abstract class ImplOne implements Ione    {
public void method1()    {
System.out.println("this is method1");
public abstract void method2();
public abstract void method3();
class ImplTwo extends ImplOne     {
public void method2()    {
System.out.println("this is method2");
public  void method3()   {
System.out.println("this is method3");
public static void main(String args[])   {
Ione  obj = new ImplTwo();
obj. method2();
obj. method3();
ImplOne one = new ImplTwo();
}    }

Note:-  Duplicate methods, variables, local variables  are not allowed in java.

class Sample   {
Compilation Eror
void read()   {
System.out.println(“can read”);
void read()    {
System.out.println(“any one can read”);
public static void main(String args[])   {
Sample  s = new  Sample();
}    }


In the above Sample class having 2 read() mathods with same signature,it will give you a compilation error.this can’t be allowed in java.
interface Istudent1   {
void read();
void write();   }
interface Istudent2  {
void read();
void play();     }
class  Student implements Istudent1,Istudent2   {
public void read()   {
System.out.println("Student can read");    }
public void write()  {
System.out.println("Student can write");     }
public void play()  {
System.out.println("Student can play");    }
public static void main(String[] args)   {
Istudent1  ione =new   Student();
ione .read();
ione .write();
Istudent  itwo = new  Student();
itwo .paly();
itwo .read();      }    }

Package creation:-
Right click on  src à new à package,   then give package name  and say finish.

package com.itargetit;
interface    Inter1  {
int  X=0;      //inside the interface, variable act as a final variable means constant variable
void  imethod1();    }
public  class  inter1Impl  implements  Inter1   {
public void imethod1()    {
System.out.println(“imethod”);     }
public static void main(String args[])   {
Inter1 in1=new inter1Impl();
}   }

package com.itargetit;
public interface Inter2 extends Inter1   {  // we can extend one interface with the other interface
void imethod2();    }
 imethod1 of inter2impl
X value in interface 10
Imethod2 of inte2impl
Imethod1 of inter2impl

public class inter2Impl  implements  Inter2   {
public void imethod2()  {
System.out.println(“imethod2 of inter2impl”);   }
public void imethod1()   {
System.out.println(“imethod1() of inter2Impl”);    }
public static void main(String args[])   {
Inter1  i1= new  inter2Impl();
int y= i1.X;
System.out.println(“x value in interface”+y);
//  i1.imethod2();  //compilation error
Inter2  i2= new inter2Impl();
i2.imethod1();     }     }
We should not use  java keywords as class,methods,interface,package names and variable names.
Method with interface as a parameter:-
If any method is defined with an interface as parameter while calling that method we have to pass the object of  implementation class of the interface.
package com.itargetit.interfaceDemo;
import com.itargetit.Inter1;
import com.itargetit.Inter1Impl;
public class Demo  {
void demomethod(Inter1 i1)   {
// method is expecting interface as parameter, so while calling we should pass inter    face object(object of its implementation class).
i1.imethod1();    }
public static void main(String args[])   {
Demo demo=new Demo();
Inter1 i1=new inter1Impl();
//we are passing implementation class object reference variable as //an argument to the function.
}    }
A method with interface as a return type:-
class Demo  {
Inter1 retmathod()   {
Inter1 i1=new  inter1Impl();
return i1;    }
public static void main (String args[])   {
Demo demo=new Demo();
Inter1 inter=demo.retmethod();     }   }

·        If a method with an interface as return type while writing body to that method, we have to take care of returning its implementation class object.
·        While calling that method accept the return type into reference  variable.
·        We can have variables inside an interface by default they will be treated as
public static final X=10;         so variables inside interface should be initialized.
·        Class name ambiguity will be removed by the peckages.
·        Compiler or JVM will understand classes with same name, if we will define them in different packages.
·        Class should not be declared as private. if we declare a class as private we can’t create the object of that class in outside of that class.
·        If we can’t create the object of a class its waste to create a class or there no meaning of creation of a class.
Late binding:-
function body will be associated with the function definition during runtime is known as  Late Binding “.
Difference b/w  Late Binding and Dynamic polymorphism:-
Late Binding:-                         method body will be associated with method definition during runtime.
Dynamic polymorphism:-      which method has to be executed will be decided during runtime, but remember, method body will be associated with the definition during compilation time.
Example for interface:-
Railway reservation form
Form is same to every person, depends on the details entered in the form the  reservations will be changed.
Note:-    We should not use static keyword to declared methods inside interface class.
interface MyInter  {
public static final int X =111;
int VAR = 10 ;
//static void myMethod();
void openion();
void decission();


in object class:-

Hash code is a method which is used to print the hash code an object.when we create an object or instance of a class (memory for non-static contents),each object will be assigned a value by the JVM is known as  hashcode .

class A //extends Object  {
public static void main(String[] args)      }

Here class A is not extending any other class. So during compilation compiler will extends object class to A class as shown below.
class A extends Object    {        }

If we create the object to class A we can call all the methods of object classs, because A class is a subclass to object class.


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