4: Data Types in java


     We create the objects of the class to call the functions of that particular class. Sometimes we need to call a function of a class only once in the entire program. In such cases if we create the object and assign the address of that object to variable, this leads to unnecessary wastage of the memory. Because the variable holding the address of the object will occupy some memory and the object itself occupies some memory. Even though during the entire execution of the program even though its use is limited.

   So to avoid this unnecessary usage of memory we create the object, call function and after this we delete the object immediately. This allows for better memory management.
Consider the following program.

class DatTypes   {
byte   b;
short   s;
int   i;
long   l;
float   f;
double   d;
char   c;
Boolean   flag;

public static void main(String args[]){
DataTypes dataTypes = new DataTypes();
System.out.println (dataTypes.b);
System.out.println (dataTypes.s);
System.out.println (dataTypes.i);
System.out.println (dataTypes.f);
System.out.println (dataTypes.d);
System.out.println (dataTypes.c);
System.out.println (dataTypes.flag);      
}    }

When we compile and execute the above programme we will get the following output.
b à 0,        s-à 0                  I à 0,                   f à 0.0       d à 0.0
c à           flag à false
These are the default values of primitive data types.
After loading all the non static elements into the Object, then the JVM initializes all the un initialized variables with their default values.
è   Default value of char is   ‘ ‘(empty space.)
è   Character has to be represented with ‘ ’ (quotes).
è     Almost we can assign only one character to char variable.
Ex: - char   c =‘s ‘; x = ‘9’,   etc…

Ex:  class  LocalVariable {
        byte  b;
        short  s;
        public static void main (String args [])  {
        LocalVariable variable = new LocalVariable ();
           int  j;
           System.out.println (j); // here we get an error.
            j = 10;
           System.out.println (j); // here we do not get any error
          // because already j is initialized to 10.
           }      }       }

In the programme we have variable j of type integer inside main method
If we compile this programme we get an error as shown in the comment lines.
This is because of the following reason.
Reason:-Here   j is a local variable JVM will not initialize it to its default value since it is not an instance variable.
NOTE:-UN initialized local variable cannot be used in java.
So if we want to use a variable as a local variable in the programme first it must be         initialized to some value before using it. Or operating on it.  In the programme.
è    When we assign any non decimal number to a variable  the JVM accepts it as an integer.(32 bit)
è        Any number with a decimal point would be accepted by the JVM as double (64 bits)

Type Casting:-
Type Castings are 2 types in java.
1. Implicit Typecasting
2. Explicit Typecasting
è  Implicit Type  casting  is storing a smaller value into its equivalent bigger location.
è  Explicit Type casting  is storing a bigger value into its equivalent smaller location.

Note: - the above two definitions are not always true there are some violations.
Consider the following programme.
class Typecasting   {
       public static void main (String args []) {
  int  I = 6;
  float  f = 7;
System.out.println (f);              // f = 7.0
Float   k = 7.0;
System.out.println (k);           // here we get a compilation error.
Float  k = (Float) 7.0;              // Explicit Type casting.
long  l = 8;                            // implicit type casting.
S.o.p (l);
int  x = l;
Byte  b = 6;
}           }
// here we do not get any error infact implicit type casting takes place.
//This type of type casting (implicit type casting) takes place by only some versions of JVM.
b = x;    // error
b = (byte) x;   // in these cases explicit type casting is highly recommended.
Float f = 7.2f;   // this is another way of type casting.
Char ch = (char) x;
S.o.p (ch);
Char ch1 = ‘&’;
S.o.p (ch1);
Int z = (int) ch; // this is also possible.
S.o.p (z);   }
Methods with parameters:-
We can have java methods with parameters, but to call that function we have to pass values to those parameters.
Parameters will act as a local variable of that function.

  class Arguments {
void argFun (int a) {
a = a+100;
System.out.println (a);}
public static void main (String args []) {
Arguments arg=new Arguments ();
arg.argFun (5);
}  }


class Arguments {
int result;
void argFunction (int a)   {
 result =a+100;
System.out.println (result);    }
void  argFunction (int a, int b, int c) {
result = a + b + c + 100;
System.out.println (result);       }
public static void main (string args []) {
Arguments ar=new Arguments ();
Ar.argFunction (5, 6, 7);   }     }

When we define a function with parameter or with number of parameters while calling we should call that function by passing the arguments to that function.
We can define methods with object parameters also. So, to call those functions we have to pass the reference of those objects.
class A {
Int I, j;
void  FunA () {
System.out.println (i);
System.out.println (j);
}  }
class callByReference {
void  funRef (A a) {
System.out.println (a.i+a.j);
System.out.println“Call by reference function”);

public static void main (String args []) {
System.out.println (“main method”);
A a1=new A ();
CallByReference  ref=new calByReference ();
ref.functionRef (a1);
}  }

OutPut  :
main method
Call by reference function
    We can have methods with parameters of class or parameters with primitive datatypes.
       We can have object references as instance variables of a class.
class B {
Int  i=0;
Int  j=0;
A  a = new A ();
void   functionB ()  {
System.out.println (i);
System.out.println (j);

public static void main (String args []) {
B  b = new  B ();
System.out.println (b.i);
System.out.println (b.j);
System.out.println (b.a);       // address of a object
System.out.println (b.a.i);
b.a.funA ();                    //calling function A which is in A class
}  }
§  B class contains 3 non-static variables I, j, a and one non-static function is funB().
§  ‘a’ is again referring to object of class A. where class A contains 2 non-static variables I,j and one non-static function funA().
§  We can access non-static contents of class B using B class object. we can access non-static contents of class A also by using B class object. Because, ’a’ is instance variable of class B.
§  E.g.:- b.a.i      ,Will give us ‘I’ value inside A class
§  E.g.:- b.a.funA ()  will give the output of funA () which is    there inside class A.
System.out.println ()  is used to print the content inside the console. that has a logic as shown in below.
class PrintWriter   {
void println()   {
//logic to print the string content inside console.       }  }
class System {
PrintWriter  out = new PrintWriter ();
public static void main (String[] args) {
System system=new System ();
System.out.println ();   }     }

We should not or we can’t have instance variable of one class that is referring to the same class object.
If we create object of that class, this object creation will go into infinite loop which will kill the memory.



class C    {
int  k;
C  c  = new  C();
void  funC () {
System.out.println (“ I am inside the function C of class C ” );  }
public static void main (String arg []) {
C  c =new C ();
}  }
C c = new C ();
This object creation will creates the infinite loop. Because, C contains ‘c’ which is referring to the same class object. This is not recommended to used.
class TaxCalluculator    {
void  calluculatorTax (float income, int rate)    {
float tax = ( income * rate ) / 100;
System.out.println (“tax is” + tax + ”rupees”);    }
public static void main (String args [])     {
TaxCalluculator cal = new TaxCalluculator ();
cal.calluculateTax (200000.00f, 10);
}   }

Output:-      Tax is 20000.00rupees
We can have methods with return data type for such methods we have to keep a return statement at the end of the method and return a value of type that is the method is expecting.
class Taxcalluculator {
float  calluculateTax (float income, int rate)  {
float  tax = ( income * rate ) / 100;
return tax;      }
public static void main (String args []) {
Taxcalluculator cal=new Taxcalluculate ();
System.out.println (cal.calluculateTax ((float) (200000.00),10));
float resultTax=cal.calluculateTax ((float) (20000.00));
System.out.println (“final tax is”+resultTax+”rupees”);
}  }
Output: -     20000.00rupees
float calluculateTax (float income, int rate) ----- function declaration
Body of function   ----- function definition.
Function declaration having return datatype , name of a method and parameters.
class Addition   {
int  sum(int I, int j)   {
int result=a+b;
return  result;   }
public static void main (String args []) {
Addition add = new Addition ();
int c=add.sum (5, 6);
System.out.println (sum is”+c);
   }    }
In the class Addition int sum (int a, int b) is a declaration of a function. It contains return data types ‘int’ and it is accepting 2’int’ parameters. In the function definition we have to return a value of type integer.
While calling this method we have to handle the return value. That means we have to accept value returned by the sum method into a variable of returned data type.    Int c=add.sum (5, 6);
There will be no method & no return value that means we should not declare a method without return data type. Atleast we have to keep void keyword to declare a method, if method is not returning anything.
Default value of any object defined as instance variable of a class is “null”.
On top of “null” object we cannot call methods or variables, because that will give you “NullPointerException”.
class A   {
Int a;
void functionA ()   {
funobj of class obj
System.out.println (“function A of class A”);    }  }
class Obj {
Int k;
A a1;
void funObj ()    {
System.out.println (“funObj of class obj”);
System.out.println (a1);
a1.functionA ();   }        //null pointer exception
public static void main (string args []) {
Obj o=new obj ();
o.funObj ();    }   }

“ static”   keyword:-
If we use a static keyword to declare variable/method then that is known as static variable/method.Static loading will takes place for static contents. Previously we have learned that, when we create a new object JVM will allocate a memory for non-static contents of a class.This is not 100% true, but the underling concept is as following

class A {
int a;
static int b;
int sum(int x, int y)  {
Output:-    100

int  retValue =  0;
ret Value = x+y;
return retValue;   
static int subtract (int r, int s) {
int dif = r-s;
return dif;
public static void main (String args[])  {
int difference = subtract(10,2);
System.out.println (difference);
b = 100;
System.out.println (b);
A obj = new A();
obj.a = 120;
System.out.println (obj.a);
int res = obj.sum(22,32);
System.out.println (res);
A obj2 = new A();
}  }

·        When we execute any .class all the “static” contents will be loaded into specific memory known as content of a class among all        static contents JVM will search for main() and start its execution from there.
·        Context of the class exist as long as the main method is under the execution. When the main () method comes to closing brace ( } ) JVM will delete the context of a class from the RAM.
·        When new operator encountered by the JVM for “non-static” contents of a class which is known as instance of a class. There can be any number of instances, but the context of a class is only one.
Note:-     We can access static methods/contents directly without creating the instance of a class.
static StaticCls {

main method
int  i=10;
static  int  j;
static void fun1 () {
staticCls obj = new StaticCls();
System.out.println (obj.i);
j = 1012;
System.out.println (j);    }
public static void main (String [] args)   {
System.out.println (“main method”);
fun1 ();      }   }

fun1 () is a static function; main is also a static function. When we try to access ‘I’ inside fun () without creating instance of a class, then that will give us a compilation error (because non-static contents cannot be accessed by the static methods without creating the instance of a class).

class StaticCls {
int i =20 ;
static int j;


static void fun1 () {
staticCls obj = new StaticCls ();
System.out.println (obj.i);
j = 1012;
System.out.println (j);  }
public static void main (String [] args) {
fun1 ();
staticCls  obj1 = new StaticCls ();
System.out.println (obj1.j);
obj1.j = 10;
obj1.i = 200;
System.out.println (obj1.i);
StaticCls obj2 = new StaticCls();
System.out.println (obj2.j);
System.out.println (obj2.i);
StaticCls obj3 = new StaticCls();
System.out.println (obj3.j);
System.out.println (obj3.i);
StaticCls obj4 = new StaticCls();
System.out.println (obj4.j);
System.out.println (obj4.i);       }   }
Difference  b/w context of a class and instance of a class:-

·        We can create any number of objects for a particular .class file, but there will be only context for one .class file. Which is common to all the instances of a class.
·        Garbage collection of objects will not have any effect on context of a class. Context of a class will be deleted only after the execution of main ().
·        Instance of an object is created and it will be deleted, if we will not use it.
·        When we try to execute a .class file JVM loads all the contexts (static contents) into context of a file.

If we want to execute any function () more than once then we will declare or define the function () as static function () (because if we declare a non-static function, when we call it by creating an object the byte code of a function will be loaded into the RAM, JVM will execute it then JVM will be delete the bytecode loaded into the RAM.

·        If we want to execute the same function for 10 times (more than once), then JVM will load that function execute it and delete it 10 times.
·        Which will become a Burdon to JVM.so in such cases if we define a function as static function, then the function bytecode will be loaded into the RAM, when the context of a class is created.
·        This will be available as long as the main () is under execution.

class Employee {
static int sal;
int yearsOfExp;


static int income (int paramSal)  {
int annualIncome = 12 * paramSal ;
return annualIncome;
}   }
class Main  {
public static void main (String [] args)   {
//System.out.println (sal);
Employee emp = new Employee ();
System.out.println (emp.yearsOfExp);   
System.out.println (emp.sal);
// another way of accessing static contents.
Employee.sal = Employee.sal +1000;             
System.out.println (Employee.sal);
System.out.println (emp.sal);
// another way of calling static functions.
int anualSal = Employee. income (2000);
System.out.println (anualSal);
int salAnual = emp.income(3000);
System.out.println (salAnual);       }   }


·        When this statement will executed, then context for Employee. Class file will be created (for static contents).
·        So we can access the static contents using context of a class. Now here the Employee can be treated as a context .
                        int AnnualSal=Employee.income (2000);
·        When this statement is executed JVM will start executing income (), which is already loaded into context.
·        We can access the contents of a context (static contents) using object reference also.
int salAnnual=emp.income (3000);

Note:-         we can’t use static keyword to declare a class

Compilation error:
Modifier static not allowed here
static class A
   static class A {
 public static void main (String args [])  {
   System.out.println (“hello”);
     }   }

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