15:Inner classes

Innnerclass means a class inside the other class.
They are 4 types of inner classes.
1.   Member innerclass
2.   Static innerclass
3.   Local innerclass
4.   Anonymous innerclass
Member innerclass:-
Member innerclass act as a non-static member of a class. So, all the rules applicable to non-static members of a class are also applicable incase of member inner class.
We can access inner class functions from outer class functions by creating an object of inner class.

funOut of outer class
funIn of inner class
funIn of inner class
class Outer{
          int x;

static int y;
          class Inner         {
                   int a=10;
                   void funIn()                   {
                             System.out.println("funIn of inner class");
                   }        }
          void funOut()      {
                   System.out.println("funOut of outer class");
                   Inner in=new Inner();
                   in.funIn();    }
class Test{
          public static void main(String[] args) {
                   Outer out=new Outer();
                   Outer.Inner oin=new Outer().new Inner();
          }   }
Static innerclass:-
static, private, protected keywords are access specifiers should not be used to declare a class.
We can declare innerclasses using static, private, protected also.
Static inner class will be treated as a static member of outer class. Even though static inner class contains non-static contents those will be treated as static contents of outer class only. Because, static inner class is a static block.
class sout {

funin of sinner

int x;
          static int y;
          static void funout(){
                   sout s=new sout();
          static class sinner{
                   int i;
                   int b;
                   void funIn(){
                             System.out.println("funin of sinner");
                   }  } }
public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
                   sout.sinner soi= new sout.sinner();
                   soi.funIn(); }        }

Local innerclasses:-
An inner class which is defined inside a method is known as Local inner class. Local inner class act as a local variable. We should not use local variables of a function inside the local inner class, but we can use local constants.
Since local inner class is local to a function, we can create the object and call the function only inside that.


finner of Linner
public class Louter {
          int i;
          void fouter()        {
                   int x=9;
                   final int y=4;
                   class Linner{
                             int d;                   
                             void finner(){
                                      System.out.println("finner of Linner");
                                      //gives compilation error bcz x is a local variable
                             }        }
                   Linner in=new Linner();
                   in.finner();   }
          public static void main(String[] args) {
                   Louter out=new Louter();
                   out.fouter();         } }
Anonymous innerclass:-
An inner class without the class name is known as Anonymous inner class. To create an anonymous inner class we need either “interface or abstract class”.
2 types of anonymous innerclasses.
1.   Member anonymous innerclass
2.   Local anonymous innerclass
Member anonymous innerclass:-
interface Xyz    {
          void xone();
          void xtwo();    }
public class Anony   {
          static Xyz obj=new Xyz()   {
                   public void xone()



                   public void xtwo()
                   }    };
          public static void main(String[] args) {
                   Anony.obj.xtwo();   }   }
Local anonymous innerclass:-
interface Ixy    {


xone of Ixy
xtwo of Ixy
          void xone();
          void xtwo();
 class Localanony    {
           static Ixy  getIxy()
                    Ixy ixy=new Ixy()
                                      public void xone()
                                                System.out.println("xone of Ixy");
                                      public void xtwo()
                                                System.out.println("xtwo of Ixy");
                             return ixy;   }
          public static void main(String[] args)    {
                   Ixy ix=Localanony.getIxy();
          }   }
Factory method:-
A method which is used to create the object of a class from outside of the class even if the constructor is declared as private.
Factory methods always returns class object and it should be always public and static.
class Factory  {
           int x;
           int y;
           private Factory()   {
                    System.out.println("private constructor");
           public static Factory getFactory()   {
                    Factory fact =new Factory();
//we can call private constructor inside the class not outside the class.
                    return fact;


private constructor
           public void mone()   {
           public void mtwo()   {
           public static void main(String[] args)    {
                    Factory factory=Factory.getFactory();
                    factory.mtwo();   }   }

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