7: There are 3 kinds of inheritance

  1.   Multilevel inheritance (JAVA supports)
  2.   Multiple inheritance(C,C++  supports,JAVA does not)
   3.   Cyclic inheritance(no programming language).
Program for Multilevel inheritance:
class GrandFather {                  // parent class (or)  super class 
int age ;
void  cultivator( )   {
System.out.println("my grand fa was a cultivator");    }    }
class Father  extends  GrandFather   {              // Father sub class
int age ;
void  cultivator( )   {
System.out.println("Father was cultivator");     }
void  business( )   {
System.out.println("Father was a businessMan");  }} //Son is Sub Class here and Father is a superclass
class Son extends Father   {
int age ;
void  teacher( )   {
System.out.println("Teacher");   }
void cultivator( )   {
System.out.println("Son is cultivator");
super.cultivator();    }
void  business( )   {
System.out.println("Son is a businessMan");   }
public static void main(String[] args)   {
Son son = new Son();
son.cultivator();     }   }                         //class Son extends GrandFather, Father // not possible in java.
Ø Son son = new Son();
Ø Object will be created for Son class variable son.
Ø Son();will be executed constructor of Son class will be loaded.
Ø Compiler will do following for us
class Son extends Father   {
Son( )    {
Super( );     .}    }                        //this is a call to super class constructor
class Father extends GrandFather   {
Father ( )    {
Super ( );               .}   }                          //jvm will checks extends any other class
class GrandFather   {                               // super class
 GrandFather( )   {
//since this class is not extending any other class compiler will not create any super();
}      }
Multiple inheritance:-
Ø Inside the Son class if we say super.cultivator();
Ø JVM will not understands which method has  to be executed.it leads ambiguity.which will become a complexity in JAVA.Son class have two super classes.
Ø So,JAVA will not supports multiple inheritance.
Note:-        1.multiple inheritance and pointers leads confusion.so,they are removed in JAVA.
1.   In C++  multiple inheritance is supported by using friend functions.

Cyclic inheritance:-
So,cyclic inheritance will not supported any programming language.
Java.lang.Object  :-      “Object” is a class which is a super class to all the classes in JAVA.
Eg:-    class A  {
Compiler:    It will checks if A is extending any other class.
                    If yes it will checks that, otherwise it will extends Object class.
Fig:-multilevel inheritance object creation
Method overriding:-
Process of defining a method with same name,same signature in sub class for a method already exist in its super class.
We can override methods of supermost classes also.
We can have 5 classes we can inheritance hierarchy as follows

According java coding standards the      hierarchy is limited to 5 classes.    Eg:-
class Addition   {
int sum(int i, int j)   {
int  total = i+j ;
return total ;               }    }
class ChildAddition extends Addition  {
int sum(int a, int b)   {
int total = a+b+100 ;
return total ;                  }
public void static main(String args[])   {
ChildAddition      childAdd = new ChildAddition ();
int tot = childAdd.sum(7,8);
System.out.println(tot);               }    }
Super class referring sub class object rule:-
We can assign a sub class object into a super class reference.
Here for super class reference we can assign only super class non static contents.
Program same as above
public void static main(String args[])    {
Addition add=new ChildAddition();
Addition add=new Addition();     }

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